Hello! My name is Emma and I am a 4th year student athlete currently attending Drexel University. I am in pursuit of a Bachelor of Science degree in Graphic Design with a minors in user experience and interactive design, as well as art history. I am proficient in numerous design, video, and coding programs like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Figma, HTML, CSS, and many more. I am always eager to expand my design knowledge and experience and work at companies who will help her grow as an artist. I currently favor working on graphics and animations relating to sports, and storytelling - and hope to pursue that in the future. When not working on projects, I find myself committed to the Men’s Drexel Rowing team as a coxswain. Most early mornings, I am out on the Schuylkill River with the team. During school breaks, I enjoy visiting my family and pets located in my hometown Simsbury, Connecticut. Currently, I am on track to graduate in the spring and I'm working on my senior design capstone!

You can reach me anytime through email at: eeh68@drexel.edu
or message me on Instagram! @em.houghton